Silver Scene 05-07-15
by Dixie Dickson
What a wonderful week to be at the center. One day is cool, one day is raining, and you never know for sure what the weather will be, but we know it is always great at the center. Games, exercising, socializing and dining makes the time pass quickly. No dreary days looking at four walls.
Monday started with our chair exercises to get us woke up and ready for the day. George picked up our large gift of Kroger baked products and they are always free for the taking. Monday is game day, so all the games came out of the closet. Michigan Rummy seems to be the favorite along with Hand and Foot. There is always a bridge foursome. Dominoes, Rummikub tables, and the pool table are also active. The bicycles and treadmills get their workout also. Pleasant Valley Health and Rehab sponsored our lunch.
Tuesday is a little quieter with the tax season over. We do have an early balance class followed with the line dance class. Games were halted long enough for Garnet Hill to serve lasagna, bread sticks and cookies.
Wednesday morning got us stretching with the chair exercises and playing games while Angela was busy in the kitchen preparing our lunch of warm potato soup and a large tossed salad. This was one of cold gloomy day, suited for a hot bowl of soup. After lunch we boarded the bus and motored to Pleasant Valley Health and Rehab to play bingo. Prizes were large and we came home very happy with our booty.
Thursday was a very lazy day. We do have many out traveling and a few ill, so the attendance was small but eager. Games were played and many just visited as they pedaled the bikes or walked the treadmill.
Friday we welcomed the Merry Month of May with a trip to Walmart to shop for the staples. We are having a fun night the first and third Friday evenings thorough the summer months.
Now for next week; Monday will dawn with chair exercises, free baked products, and games, games, games. Winters Park will be here with lunch.
Tuesday we will start with balance class and bridge practice class. We will motor to Broadmoor Medical in Rockwall for lunch and tour of their facility. The computer class will meet in the afternoon.
Wednesday we will do our chair exercises and play games awaiting Edwina Clark, InCareRx. She will have a seminar on medical braces free from the State of Texas. She also has prescription discount cards that work in conjunction with your insurance you might already have. Angela will be fixing the lunch.
Thursday is an exciting day with the balance class starting us off. Janelle will be here before lunch to tell us a story. Her story time is always a hit. Senior Care-Beltline sponsors lunch. Texas Hold’em will be played in the afternoon.
Friday we will do our chair exercises and play games. The book club will meet and we will have our second fun night of this year.
Occasionally I make pleas for items we need at the center. We are in need of card tables and wooden T V trays. I know occasionally you have a family member pass away and there are items to disperse. I also have a ‘view finder’ for the sight impaired. This is a free monitor for you. Please call me at 972-495-6282 if you are interested. Remember to live your life and forget your age. Until next time, I’ll keep the door open.