Silver Scene 05-14-15
Dixie Dickson
What a roller coaster Mother Nature has had us on the past week. I pray you and your families have not been damaged from her rage. I have lived in tornado alley all my life, coming from Kansas, and I do respect them. I have only had to live through one, but that was enough to get my attention and I certainly don’t stand outside looking for them. I let the weather sensors and the TV stations tell me when to take cover and that I do.
The horrible death and destruction will get your attention in a heartbeat. We were quite safe and relaxed at the center all week, of course our bad weather came during the night, but we enjoyed the games and socializing.
Our activities went as scheduled. Monday is game day and we always start with our exercise class and of course all the free baked products you use. Kroger’s seems to have been very generous with us this week. An abundance of all products.
Oxford Glen provided a lunch of Italian casserole, fresh green salad, and assorted pies.
Tuesday the practice bridge group gathered in one room, other game players gathered in the great room. The balance class is the earliest class followed by the line dancers all before lunch. On this day it was delivered my Ms. Misty John from Rowlett Health Care – fried chicken, macaroni salad, potato salad, hot rolls and cookies. She has a corner on the chicken, because it is always delicious! The computer class met in the afternoon.
Wednesday was a bright day for a change. Games were played and 1st Choice In-Home Care provided a pizza lunch and the pool challenge took place in the afternoon.
Thursday dawned a grey gloomy day for our birthday celebrations of the month. Janelle was here to call bingo with wonderful prizes and Clark Financial Group sponsored the luncheon of their very favorite – ham, beans and cornbread! There is never a bean left, regardless how many we fix! Games were enjoyed by all.
Now let’s look at next week. Tomorrow is our Book Club meeting at 10 a.m. There is always room for you with this fun group. Monday we will exercise, play games, and look forward to the Don Evans & Associates with our lunch and learn seminar.
Tuesday we will do our balance class, practice playing bridge, line dance and the metal detector group will try to hunt for treasures all before the Home Helpers of Rockwall bring lunch and provide some valuable information. The computer class will meet in the afternoon.
Wednesday we will enjoy our monthly potluck luncheon with fabulous entertainment from Sachse High School. Winters Park is providing the entrée and Stoneybrook brings the door prize.
Thursday we will do our balance class and play games awaiting Rick Lucas and his crew to test us on “Remember When”. This is so much fun and exercised our brains. Nestegg Wealth Advisors provides lunch.
Friday will bring the Dallas County nurse at 9:30 a.m. We will relax and enjoy the day.
Remember to live your life and forget your age. Until next time, I’ll keep the door open.