By Nancy Whitney
Staff Writer
A surprise presentation from students representing each WISD elementary campus had trustees heads “bobbling around” during the information and recognition packed January meeting last week.
Trustees were recognized for School Board Trustee Month and given bobble head dolls in their likeness. In addition students read words of gratitude for each trustee and presented comic books and an assortment of gifts from each campus in the district.
CFO Michele Trongaard presented the budget calendar for the 2016-’17 school year. In February, budget packets will be distributed, at which time per pupil allocations, specific budget needs and the mechanics of budgeting will be addressed. Special requests will be due Feb. 26 to department heads.
On March 4, budgets will be due to the Finance Department and between March and April, campus and department budgets will be reviewed. Additionally, at that time, payroll budgets will be developed.
The first draft of the budget will be completed April 1 and the chief appraiser will verify an estimate of taxable value at that time. On June 20 the budget will be presented to the Board of Trustees during the regular board meeting.
During the meeting, Trongaard was recognized as the new Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations. See article on page 1A.
Additional new position recognitions included Casey Whittle, executive director of secondary education; Joei Shermer, executive director of elementary education; Judy Bolen, director of assessment and accountability; Amanda Martin, director of Wylie Way and K-8 counseling; Janet Wyatt, associate principal Wylie East High School and Jason Ervin, dean of students McMillan Junior High School.
Don Poole presented a donation check from Oncor for $44,096.85. The check was given as part of a lighting-retro project, which was completed in 2015. WISD conducted lighting retrofits at 17 locations resulting in a savings of 76KW and 497,006 kWh.
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