By Patty Montagno
Staff Writer
During the Feb 1 regular council meeting, several people spoke about the speed limit change on Pleasant valley Road.
During the citizen input portion, one resident, Martha Lloyd of Sachse, said she was against the change and presented council with a petition of other people who were also opposed. Of the 135 supporters it was noted that only 35 were actual Sachse residents.
Lloyd was referring to a recent unanimous decision by the council to reduce the speed limit on Pleasant Valley Road from 45 to 30 mph. Before that vote last month, council also heard a presentation from staff as well as citizen input.
Pleasant Valley Road is classified as a minor arterial road in the city.
Lloyd explained to the council that she lives on Eastview Drive, off of Pleasant Valley near Merritt.
“I have lived here for over 15 years,” she said. “My neighbors and I recently found out about the request to lower the speed limit on Pleasant Valley Rd from 45 miles per hour to 30 miles per hour. Of course, the new limit is now in effect. We were not aware of the proposal to change the speed limit and feel that 30 mph is too low and will become a speed trap”.
Lloyd said when she first moved to Pleasant Valley, the roads were full of potholes and the conditions have much improved and the speed limit has stayed the same.
“I understand the Pleasant Valley Speed Study Finding and Traffic Presentation, discussed in the City Council Meeting in December, considered the road conditions and safety due to the large trucks that take this route to the dump,” she said. “However, we do not have a rise in accidents due to the trucks or road conditions.”
Lloyd added that her supporters feel the 30 mph speed limit is an extremely low speed for this road.
“It’s more dangerous now because people are tailgating,” she said. “We should have been notified about this.”
For full story see The Sachse News at