Many people find it impossible to think about summer without conjuring visions of spending endless hours outdoors from morning until evening, whether beachside, on the open water or even floating in a backyard pool. Although a certain measure of sun exposure is required for some natural functions of the body, it’s well documented that too much time in the sun can be hazardous to one’s health. That’s why summer frolickers need to exercise considerable caution each time they step outside.
Practicing sun safety is key and there are several ways to have fun in the sun without paying the price with a sunburn or skin cancer years down the road. Remember, sun is the cause of skin cancer.
Sunscreen is a necessity for protecting your skin no matter where you live. They are based on SPF, also known as Sun Protection Factor. SPF is a measure of a sunscreen’s ability to prevent UVB from damaging the skin. No sunscreen can prevent UV (Ultraviolet) rays.
For the full story see the July 12 issue or subscribe online.
Sonia Duggan • [email protected]