Sachse’s Parks and Recreation department is planning the season’s spookiest event.
The 13th annual Pumpkin Prowl will begin at 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 at Salmon Park. Festivities include bounce houses, games, vendors, a costume contest and a pumpkin hunt for kids ages 10 and under. Theatre students from SHS will present a haunted hayride, and the movie “Goosebumps” will be shown on the baseball field at sunset. The Sachse Baseball Association will sell concessions all evening.
This year will also feature a new activity.
“Staff will be putting together a pumpkin decorating station under the pavilion for kids to decorate the pumpkins they have collected during the hunt,” said Recreation Manager Cynthia Wiseman. “The pavilion is an area where many will be waiting in line for the haunted hayride and staff thought this would be a great way to keep the kids busy while they wait.”
Costume contest participants must sign up at Salmon Park before the pumpkin hunt begins, and winners will be announced at 6:15 p.m. Other prize-winning opportunities include the pumpkin hunt and game zone.
According to Wiseman, it takes several months to put together Pumpkin Prowl. Volunteer organizations such as Community Emergency Response Team, National Honor Society, BETA Club and Key Club help activities run smoothly.
Participation increases each year, from 300 people in the beginning to over 1,200 in 2017.
“We hope to provide a new experience for participants with a different spin on traditional fall activities,” Wiseman said. “These types of events bring together not only Sachse residents but also those in the surrounding communities to experience new and exciting activities. We hope to provide a fun and safe family event that the entire family can enjoy.”
Salmon Park is located at 4302 Williford Road.
For more stories like this, see the Oct. 11 issue or subscribe online.
By Morgan Howard • [email protected]