Sachse Chamber of Commerce’s annual Fallfest is just around the corner.
On Saturday, Oct. 27, Fallfest activities will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Heritage Park. The event will feature food trucks, art and business booths, live music, a petting zoo, games and bounce houses.
“We’re adding pony rides and a car show this year,” said Chamber President Molly Hall. “It will probably be about 70 cars. Last year we added a children’s craft corner but they were only there about four hours, so this year we have them for the whole day.”
Each year the event draws between 4,000 and 8,000 visitors, many from outside of Sachse.
Putting on such a large event requires several months of planning. According to Hall, the team will start planning next year’s event almost immediately. In February they will begin setting more concrete details, such as finding vendors.
Up to 100 vendors typically set up booths. The Chamber is still accepting vendor registrations, although a $20 late fee will be attached. Most vendors feature a game, information about a business, or a craft for sale.
“A lot of our vendors come from other places,” Hall said. “It brings people from out of town into Sachse, and puts Sachse on the map. People in the community look forward to it every year. Because it’s been around so long, it has a lot of history. A lot of the people who live here have been part of the planning. It has a neat hometown feel to it.”
As president, Hall’s duties include day-to-day operations and the bulk of the paperwork. Tiry Williams is chairman of the event.
There are currently 19 sponsors for Fallfest, including Farmers Electric Cooperative as title sponsor.
“I hope people have fun and enjoy themselves,” Hall said. “That’s what it’s there for – for everyone to have a good time.”
Heritage Park is located at 4408 Hudson Drive. Parking is available at Sachse High School and a shuttle will run every five minutes.
For more stories like this, see the Oct. 18 issue or subscribe online.
By Morgan Howard • [email protected]