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Dallas County reports nine COVID-related deaths today

by | Sep 4, 2020 | Latest

Dallas County Health and Human Services reported 9 deaths, and 165 new positive cases of COVID-19, today, Sep. 4, as well as 30 case from previous months.  The total case count in Dallas County is 73,055 with 943 total deaths to date.

The total number of probable cases in Dallas County is 3,026, including 10 probable deaths from COVID-19.

The total new cases today include 89 from Texas Department of State Health Services in June (2), July (28), August (56) and September (3)

Sachse reported its 250th and 251st COVID-positive cases;  a 67-year-old woman in Dallas County and a 76-year-old man in Collin County.

The additional  deaths being reported today include the following:

A man in his 50’s who was a resident of the City of Irving. He had been critically ill in an area hospital and had underlying high risk health conditions.

A man in his 50’s who was a resident of the City of Grand Prairie. He had been critically ill in an area hospital and had underlying high risk health conditions.

A woman in her 50’s who was a resident of the City of Grand Prairie. She had been critically ill in an area hospital and had underlying high risk health conditions.

A man in his 60’s who was a resident of the City of Sachse. He had been critically ill in an area hospital and had underlying high risk health conditions.

A man in his 60’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an area hospital and had underlying high risk health conditions.

A man in his 80’s who was a resident of the City of Irving. He had been critically ill in an area hospital and had underlying high risk health conditions.

A man in his 80’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas. He had been hospitalized and had underlying high risk health conditions.

A man in his 90’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He expired in hospice care and had underlying high risk health conditions.

A man in his 90’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Rowlett.  He had been hospitalized and had underlying high risk health conditions.

The provisional 7-day average daily new confirmed and probable cases (by date of test collection) for CDC week 35 has increased slightly to 244. The percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 has also increased, with 15.9% of symptomatic patients presenting to area hospitals testing positive in week 35.

From August 15th through 28th, 405 school-aged children between 5 to 18 years of age were diagnosed with COVID-19 in Dallas County. About 50% of these cases were high school age. By zip code of residence, 217 (52%) of these children were projected to have been enrolled in Dallas ISD schools.

Of all confirmed cases requiring hospitalization to date, more than two-thirds have been under 65 years of age. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Of the total confirmed deaths reported to date, about 25% have been associated with long-term care facilities.

New cases are being reported as a daily aggregate, with a more detailed summary report updated Tuesdays and Fridays. Friday’s report is forthcoming.

Local health experts use hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and ER visits as three of the key indicators in determining the COVID-19 Risk Level (color-coded risk) and corresponding guidelines for activities during our COVID-19 response. There were 343 COVID-19 patients in acute care in Dallas County for the period ending on Thursday, September 3. The number of emergency room visits for COVID-19 like symptoms in Dallas County was 391 for the 24 hour period ending on Thursday, September 3, which represents around 20 percent of all emergency department visits in the county according to information reported to the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council. While these numbers represent a significant decline from record highs in July, the disruptive impact of COVID-19 on our populations and health care systems remains.

This is our last three-day weekend of the summer and its imperative to what happens for the next six months that we all use good judgement, wear our masks, maintain six foot distance, wash our hands frequently and avoid large crowds for this three-day weekend. If collectively people make good decisions for the Labor Day weekend like they did for the 4th of July, and we dont see a spike, well be in a very good position going into the fall. If its a repeat of Memorial Day, well see our numbers climb dramatically in the next two weeks and itll take months to get us back to where we are now. So everyone please exercise caution, wear your mask and make good decisions for this three-day weekend so we can continue to see the trend in COVID-19 cases go down. Everyone have an enjoyable Labor Day weekend, said Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

From Staff Reports • [email protected]


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