In unofficial voting totals, with 100% of precincts reporting, Frank Millsap won Sachse City Council Place 3 over incumbent Paul Watkins. Millsap received 4,896 votes (51.2%) and Watkins received 4,666 votes (48.8%).
In the Place 4 seat, incumbent Chance Lindsey was reelected with 8,442 votes (100%).
Garland Independent School District Board of Trustee Place 4 candidate Ana Maria Aguilar DeYoung won with 38,745 votes (42.83%), Bob Duckworth received 31,614 votes (34.95%) and incumbent Jed. N. Reed received 20,103 votes (22.22%).
Jamie Miller ran unopposed in Place 5 receiving 82,702 votes (100%).
The GISD Tax Ratification Election (TRE) did not pass with 53,886 votes (51.62%) against and 50,494 (48.38%).
Bill Howard won the Wylie Independent School District Place 3 trustee seat with 12,374 votes (49.02%). Bryan Brokaw received 6,534 votes (25.89) and Toshia Kimball received 6,334 votes (25.09%).
In WISD Place 4, Matt Atkins ran unopposed, receiving 18,296 votes (100%).
Kylie Reising won WISD Place 7 with 10,399 votes (45.36%). Brenda Scherer received 5,971 votes (26.04%), Sharon D. Kindall received 4,138 votes (18.05%) and Donny McKay received 2,418 votes (10.55%).
All election results are unofficial until canvassed by the city.
From Staff Reports • [email protected]