Sachse City Council received the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), waived permit fees for repairs needed due to the winter storm and extended memberships at the Michael J. Felix Community Center at the March 1 regular meeting.
The council received a financial report for the fiscal year 2020 from Director of Finance Teresa Savage and Louis Breedlove of Brooks Watson, the city’s audit firm. Savage said the city received a “clean audit” opinion.
Breedlove said that revenues exceeded the budget by $1.386 million, and expenses were $835,000 under budget. Overall, the budget showed a $3 million positive variance.
Council approved a resolution that waiving permits related to plumbing repairs for 90 days. The resolution authorizes Nash to extend the waiver for an additional 30 days. The waived fees only apply to repairs of damage caused by the recent winter storm.
Council also passed a resolution extending all memberships purchased for the Michael J. Felix Community Center in 2020 for one year.
Director of Parks and Recreation Lance Whitworth said that because of the closure and limited hours and capacity, residents could not fully utilize their memberships.
The next council regular meeting will be held March 15.
From Staff Reports • [email protected]