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Council holds second ethics discussion

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Latest

Sachse City Council amended a zoning ordinance and discussed the code of ethics policy and Bailey Road during the April 19 regular meeting.

Director of Development Services Matt Robinson presented zoning amendments to council before opening the public hearing. The proposed changes included some miscellaneous cleanup and changes to how warehousing, auto use and self-storage units were permitted.

City Attorney Joe Gorfida presented possible changes to the code of ethics following a discussion held during the workshop before the March 15 meeting.

Gorfida presented language prohibiting any person related to a councilmember, mayor or city employee from serving on a city board or commission. The proposed changes would also disallow a councilmember’s spouse or family member from serving as a voting member of a non-city board or commission that receives direct funding or support from the city. Council did not pass the changes, instead asking Gorfida to come back at a later meeting with modifications.

Corey Nesbit, director of public works, presented possible options for the Bailey Road project that the bond committee is considering for the upcoming Nov 1 bond election. Nesbit recommended a new concrete road if the bond passes and a new asphalt road if it doesn’t. However, the second option would require an amendment to an ordinance stating all new roads must be concrete.

The next city council meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. May 3 at City Hall.

From Staff Reports • [email protected]

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