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Collin College announces plans for Fall 2021 semester

by | May 20, 2021 | Latest

Collin College has an­nounced Fall 2021 semester plans that address classroom social distancing, vaccinations, enhanced campus cleaning, campus services, COVID-19 reporting, and more. The col­lege worked with the Academ­ic Year (AY) 2021-22 Restart Task Force, which is comprised of faculty and staff represen­tatives, to create the plan and joins major transfer universities and most community colleges within its classification to ex­pand reopening plans.

Collin College continues to place the highest priority on the health and safety of stu­dents, faculty, and staff. After considering the latest CDC rec­ommendations, classrooms will return to 100% capacity with appropriate social distancing where possible this fall. Stu­dents still have the option to select from a variety of class instruction modalities including face-to-face, hybrid/blended, and fully online. The college will continue to require face masks through the summer. A decision regarding face masks for the fall semester will be made prior to the start of the fall semester, after monitoring and reviewing relevant data and public health conditions at that time.

Enhanced Campus Cleaning and Campus Services

Collin College will re-open all campus services for regular business hours on all campus­es. In addition, the college will continue to provide the same level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and clean­ing supplies for all facilities and continue enhanced clean­ing services on all campus­es. The bipolar ionization and UV sanitization air handling equipment, which significantly reduce airborne contaminants, are installed and operational at all college locations.


Collin College plans to offer vaccination clinics at different campus locations throughout the summer. College students as well as employees and their family members will have the opportunity to receive two doses of available vaccines on a voluntary basis. The vaccine clinic opportunities will con­tinue into Fall 2021, pending available opportunities with vaccine clinic providers.

Dual Credit

Dual credit students and fac­ulty are required to adhere to Collin College COVID proce­dures when on Collin College campuses. While on ISD prem­ises, dual credit students and faculty will follow ISD guide­lines.

Athletics and Intramurals

Collin College teams will follow National Junior College Athletic Association guidelines as well as the college guide­lines in non-competition facil­ities. Guests will be allowed at games and matches but will be required to follow district guidelines. Intramural events may be limited and will follow the college return guidelines.

Conference Facilities

Conference facilities are open for internal and external events and will follow the col­lege guidelines.

COVID-19 Case Reporting

Students, faculty, and staff who experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 or who have been diagnosed with a positive Coronavirus test should continue to follow current reporting procedures available at

Spring and Summer 2022

The college will continue collaborating with the AY 2021-22 Restart Task Force to eval­uate directions from the CDC and Texas State Health Services in developing guidelines for Spring and Summer 2022.

To register for classes, vis­it­ed/admissions. For information or assistance, contact admis­[email protected].

For more stories like this, see our May 20 issue or subscribe online.

From Staff Reports[email protected]

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