Sachse city council heard the bond committee’s recommendation and discussed the preliminary budget during the workshop prior to the July 26 regular meeting.
The bond committee, which has spent the last several months meeting with residents to determine a bond amount that could pass in a November election, recommended five projects totaling $71 million.
Council did not make a decision on the bond but will continue to discuss it in the Aug. 2 council meeting. Per state law, council has until Aug. 16 to call the election.
Financial Director Teresa Savage presented council with a preliminary budget, which showed a revenue of $21.5 million versus a $20 million operating expense in the General Fund, leaving a $1.5 million surplus.
In the Utility Fund, total revenue is budgeted for $14 million versus an $11.5 million in operating expense, leaving a $2.5 million surplus.
The next city council meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 2 at City Hall and streamed over the city’s website.
From Staff Reports • [email protected]