Dallas County taxpayers who are late paying their taxes may qualify for assistance.
In March 2021, the federal government created the Homeowner’s Assistance Fund to assist homeowners who have fallen behind on certain payments, including property taxes, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund was part of the Biden Administration’s American Rescue Plan Act.
Dallas County Tax Assessor John R. Ames just mailed almost 4,000 notices to property owners Thursday, March 17, who may qualify for assistance on their delinquent property taxes.
“I’m grateful that we have the opportunity to notify homeowners about this program and hope they take the time and research to determine if they qualify and apply for this assistance,” Ames said.
A portion of the Homeowner’s Assistance Fund has been allocated to the State of Texas, and will be administered through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA).
The funds are only available for homestead properties. Qualified homeowners could receive assistance that would pay delinquent taxes due on their homestead in order to avoid foreclosure.
However, the funds are limited and prompt action is highly recommended to those individuals that may qualify for these funds.
Homeowners will be required to apply and provide a copy of their tax statement, along with meeting additional requirements and qualifications, in order to receive assistance. If approved, payments will be made directly to the Dallas County Tax Office.