It’s almost May which means prom is right around the corner.
In order to help students understand the risks of driving under the influence, Sachse Fire-Rescue announced the upcoming presentation of Shattered Dreams.
The program will be held Monday, April 25, and Tuesday, April 26, at Sachse High School and will be presented in partnership with the Sachse Police Department, Garland Independent School District, Charles W. Smith Funeral Home, PHI Air Medical, Trinity Regional Hospital, THR Presbyterian Dallas, Wylie Towing, and Wylie City Jail.
Senior students at Sachse High School will spend two days learning about the dangers of drinking and driving. This program emphasizes the frequency with which people die in alcohol-related crashes and how it affects those who choose to drink and drive, the innocent victims, and their families.
The most vivid portion of the effort is scheduled at the high school on April 25, with a mock crash positioned on the south entrance to the student parking lot.
Students will be brought to the scene which recreates the tragic and often fatal consequences that can occur because of driving while drunk or impaired. First responders and law enforcement officers will arrive on the scene to replicate a response.
After the mock crash, a Grim Reaper will remove a pre-selected student every 15 minutes until the end of the school day. A school counselor will announce the “death” of each student over the school intercom, and that student will return to the classroom in theatrical makeup to make them look deceased.
Students who simulate being dead will not communicate with anyone.
A mock funeral for the students will be held in the auditorium April 26, followed by a video of the drunk driver being booked into jail and arraigned for manslaughter.
Residents are advised that Miles Road will be closed from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in front of Sachse High School between Hudson Drive and Haverhill Lane.
For more information about this event, residents can contact Deputy Chief Lee Richardson at 469- 429-4791.