An upcoming holiday is a time to recognize local veterans and the lives of soldiers who paid the ultimate price serving in the military.
Sachse resident Jim Mathis served his country for over 20 years, including a two-year deployment during the Vietnam War. As Memorial Day approaches, residents will be able to reflect on the service of veterans to their country, specifically those who lost their lives.
Mathis said he enlisted in the Navy in September 1961 and spent the next 22-and-a-half years in the service, mostly as a radioman, retiring in 1984. By the time he retired, he had become a senior chief radioman.
During high school, he considered different career options because he did not plan on going to college before joining the workforce. Mathis said he talked with his father, a Navy veteran from World War II, and settled on enlisting in the Navy.
“I was going to give it the best shot of making a career out of it,” Mathis said. “Most of the places I visited and the jobs I had were rewarding.”
Despite not going to college right out of high school, Mathis said he learned several valuable skills about leadership in the Navy, adding he also had the opportunity to learn technical skills, mostly about radio equipment.
Mathis said his most interesting experience in the Navy was during his deployment during the Vietnam War, which lasted from May 1969 until May 1971. In Vietnam, he served on a destroyer and a submarine tender, a ship used to resupply submarines.
He also spent time as an advisor to the South Vietnamese Navy during the conflict, saying there were times when he would have to take cover from attacks by North Vietnamese Forces.
Mathis said he enjoyed being immersed in a different culture and embraced the opportunity to learn more about the Vietnamese people while advising their naval personnel.
For the full story, see the May 26 issue of The Sachse News.