Sachse is one step closer to adopting its final budget following a presentation by City Manager Gina Nash.
Nash presented the budget to council during the Monday, Aug. 15, meeting ahead of a public hearing on both the budget and tax rate in September.
The general fund is budgeted to bring in $25.1 million with expenditures at $24.7 million. The surplus for the fund is projected to be $362,849.
In the capital projects fund, the city is projecting a perfectly balanced budget with both revenues and expenditures canceling one another out. The revenue and expenditure are budgeted to be $33.3 million.
Nash also presented a no-new revenue tax rate of $0.650416 per $100 of assessed value. Compared to the last budget, there is a reduction of 5 cents in the tax rate from $0.70034 per $100 of assessed value.
Council adopted resolutions to hold public hearings for the budget and tax rate during the Sept. 6 meeting.
Additionally, the councilmembers approved ordering an election on charter amendments it voted to accept during the Aug. 10 special meeting.
Council also authorized Nash to award a construction contract for an improvement project to the Maxwell Creek Pump Station totaling $5.1 million.
For the full story, see the Aug. 25 issue of The Sachse News.