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Assistant city manager thriving in city government

by | Mar 16, 2023 | Latest

With National Women’s History in full swing, a local government official is grateful to strong female mentors and the support system in her life that have helped her become the person she is today.

Sachse’s Assistant City Manager Lauren Rose — the first ever — is one of many women helping shape the future of the city as she works as the top deputy under City Manager Gina Nash.

Rose oversees day-to-day operations of the city and the finance, human resources, leisure services, information technology and neighborhood services divisions. Before a promotion to assistant city manager, she has served as assistant to the city manager, strategic services manager and director of strategic services after joining the city’s staff in 2018.

Rose has a bachelor’s degree in political science from Austin College and a master’s degree in public administration from Syracuse University. She has also worked with the city of Mesquite from 2014 to 2018 and interned with the city of Denison.

Before getting into city government, Rose thought her impact would be through a legal career. She changed her mind when a professor conferred valuable advice.

“There is so much important work done at the local level,” Rose said. “Decisions made locally impact the day-to-day lives of our residents and truly determine the quality of life offered in a community.”

As early career role models, Rose said Carol Zolnerowich and Valerie Bradley taught her a great deal about local government. 

“They also modeled how to be a polished and competent female a male-dominated profession,” Rose said.

Nash has also helped guide her along being both a mother and working professional at the same time.
“She taught me that it is possible to be a leader, a professional, and a mother at the same time, but it is a delicate balancing act,” Rose said. “She has shown me so much kindness and understanding as I’ve navigated a new leadership role and being a young mom at the same time. I hope to be able to pay this forward and show the same kindness to others in my career.”

Nash is also known for her “Gina-isms,” said Rose, adding that one of them is “where you sit is where you stand.”

Beyond impactful women, her father, who has 40 years of city government experience, and husband have played key roles in supporting her career.

“He co-parents our son with me and makes it possible for me to be a mom, a wife and an assistant city manager,” Rose said. “I think it is just as important to have supportive and encouraging men in our lives as it is to have accomplished women. It really does take a village to make it all possible.”

For the full story, see the March 16 issue of The Sachse News.

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