The Sachse City Council unanimously agreed to award the bid for construction of the long-discussed Hudson Crossing subdivision screening wall replacement to A&C Construction, Inc.
The approval to authorize City Manager Gina Nash to execute the project was part of the Monday, Aug. 7 regular city council meeting.
The bid came in at $816,500, a cost that caused concern from several council members, including Frank Millsap, before agreeing that it was necessary.
“I’m shocked at the price but it’s worthwhile to the community,” he said. “Therefore, I move that we accept it as presented.”
Other items on the agenda were reestablishing a local business grant, amending the Code of Ordinances related to traffic regulations and speed limits, a presentation by NewGen Strategies and Solutions regarding the city’s utility fund and HUB International’s annual update on the city’s insurance claims status.
For the complete coverage of the city council meeting see the next print or digital edition of The Sachse News.
By Jenice Johnson Williams • [email protected]