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Sachse city council
A hare much

A hare much

Columnist John Moore recalls the friends of his youth, including Harvey The Rabbit. Courtesy John Moore I never had more than one at a time, but I had stuffed animals.  Don’t all kids have a security blanket when they’re young? At first, I had a monkey who had a...

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Bailey Rd reconstruction bid awarded

Bailey Rd reconstruction bid awarded

The Sachse City Council approved a $10.98 million contract with McMahon Contracting LP for the Bailey Road reconstruction project on Monday. During the Aug. 5 meeting, council member Matt Prestenberg cast the sole dissenting vote. The project, part of the 2021 bond...

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Bond project updates

Bond project updates

Sachse City Council received a quarterly 2021 bond update on approved projects from City Manager Gina Nash and Police Chief Bryan Sylvester at the regular council meeting Monday, April 1. Road projects include the expansion and upgrades to Sachse Road from Miles Road...

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Project updates discussed at council meeting

Project updates discussed at council meeting

The first regular council meeting of the year on Tuesday, Jan. 16 included updates on a few notable projects. In the works since 2017 and delayed by COVID, construction on the Merrit Road project is not expected to begin until 2025. Spanning a mile and a half from...

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Evolve Biologics provides update

Evolve Biologics provides update

Sachse councilmembers learned the Evolve Biologics development continues to progress following a November 2021 groundbreaking with proposed “substantial completion” by the end of 2024. Mark Krause, senior vice president for operations with Evolve Biologics, said...

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