By Patty Montagno
With the Vietnam Combat Veterans Memorial Moving Wall as a backdrop and American flags visible in all directions, the stage was set for the annual Memorial Day ceremony at the Sachse Municipal complex.
Around 500 people turned out for the highly publicized event held Monday, May 29.
Memorial Day committee chair and councilman Brett Franks acted as master of ceremonies.
The ceremony included an invocation by Councilman Cullen King, Presentation of Colors by IL Texas Garland MCJROTC, Pledge of Allegiance led by Cub Scout Pack 243 and Boy Scout Troop 243, and a proclamation by Mayor Mike Felix.
Sachse High School senior Aubrey Perry sang the National Anthem.
A wreath of red, white and blue flowers was placed in front of the Wall along with Challenge Coins representing each branch of service. Letters of support from Congressman Sam Johnson, State Representatives Angie Chen Button and Jodie Laubenberg and President George W. Bush were read during the ceremony and retired Air Force Master Sergeant Bob Soule read the Vietnam War casualty statistics.
This year, the crowd had the opportunity to hear two guest speakers deliver messages from two very different perspectives.
The featured speaker was retired Air Force Master Sergeant Ed Taylor. His presentation encompassed some of his service on a SPECTRE C-130 gunship during the Vietnamese conflict.
As a door gunner, Taylor flew missions to stem the flow of North Vietnamese Army personnel and supplies into South Vietnam.
“It is an honor to be here,” he said. “I served with 52 of those men who are named on this Wall and personally knew them. I mourn for every one of them.”
The highlight of the ceremony was a very moving speech delivered by Vietnamese refugee Quynh Thoa Truong. Truong grew up and lived in the Quang Tri province of Vietnam from 1965-72.
For the full story see the June 8 issue and the e-Edition at