By Greg Ford
Staff Writer
Road realignment and a new community center are now scheduled to be a part of Sachse’s future.
The city council approved 5-2, with council members Charlie Ross and Cullen King dissenting, to issue $11.2 million in certificates of obligation to pay primarily for the realigning of Merritt Road with Woodbridge Park and a new community center.
Together, the two projects will cost around $10.6 million, with $5 million for the Merritt Road project already included in the Fiscal Year 2018 budget.
Other potential projects that could be covered by the certificates are work along Blackburn/Ingram from 3rd Street to Dewitt, Sachse Road from Hwy 78 to 5th Street and West Creek from Sachse Road to Timbercreek.
The council’s action was not without controversy, as some residents opposed the use of certificates of obligation to finance the community center, which is expected to cost around $4.2 million. The residents, they said, should vote on it, a stance echoed by King.
For the full story see the Sept. 28 issue or subscribe online.