By Greg Ford
Staff Writer
The city council unanimously approved an update to Sachse’s parking regulations during its most recent meeting.
The revisions, officials said, are in accordance with the recently passed Comprehensive Plan, which called for, among other things, revising Sachse’s commercial design standards. Also, it was noted there are still many undeveloped commercial tracts in Sachse, and also plenty of redevelopment opportunities within the city limits.
The new regulations will update parking space ratios for new developments and allows for shared parking. For instance, restaurants can now have one parking space per 100 square feet (200 square feet when part of multiple-tenant facility) instead of per 75 square feet, while single-family residential units can now have two enclosed parking spaces and two surface spaces, instead of being limited to two spaces per home. Multi-family homes can have two spaces per unit and one for each additional bedroom in a home with more than two bedrooms.
Also, the new rules require decorative paving in crosswalk areas, and bicycle racks are also required. The decorative painting is low cost, officials said, and will make it easier for pedestrians and motorists to know where the crossing areas are located.
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