For years, the subject of term limits has been broached on more than one occasion at local, state and federal government levels.
Sachse City Council briefly discussed term limits in a March meeting in which they appointed nominees to various boards and commissions. Although the discussion was primary centered around board and commission members serving long tenures on one board, Councilmember Frank Millsap said he believes term limits should apply to local government as well.
In an interview, Millsap took the subject one step further, saying he supports term limits on all city boards and commissions and that serving on multiple boards concurrently should be considered when determining term limits.
The councilmember said he thinks that setting term limits will bring fresh new ideas to council and will aid the city’s future growth.
“If a person is in a position too long, they begin to think their personal attitude is the only one worth listening to,” Millsap said. “They don’t use the taxpayers and residents as a sounding board.”
The councilman said his philosophy is when an individual is an elected official or appointed to a board, they are selected to represent most voters. He said a council or board member should listen to the voters, even when it goes against their personal views.
For the full story, see our April 15 issue or subscribe online.
By Dustin Butler • [email protected]