The Sachse bond committee held its final meeting June 13 at City Hall to determine a bond package they think is palatable to voters.
The committee, consisting of Tim Shivers, Lindsay Buhler, Brad Ford, Scott McMurdie, Josh Ackles, Charles Elk and John McKinney, were selected in March and charged to make recommendation to council for a Nov. 2 bond election.
The committee settled on a $78 million bond during the May 24 meeting, and everyone agreed that because of the low interest rates, this is the right time for a bond. McMurdie said that, based on his calculations, the average homeowner would only pay about $2,500 in additional taxes over the course of roughly 12 years if the bond is passed.
For the full story, see our July 22 issue or subscribe online.
By Dustin Butler • [email protected]