A few new challengers have entered the May city council and mayoral races in Sachse.
Councilmember Jeff Bickerstaff, Place 6, submitted his paperwork to be on the May ballot for mayor. He is being challenged by Sachse Chamber President, Teddy Kinzer, who filed his paperwork last week.
Place 5, currently held by Cullen King, and Place 6, held by Bickerstaff, will also be on the ballot and neither have filed their re-election paperwork.
Sachse resident Lindsay Buhler has filed her paperwork to contest Place 5 and is currently unopposed.
Residents Adrian Rodriguez and Matt Prestenberg have also filed to run for Place 6.
King and current mayor Mike Felix both announced at the Jan. 18 council meeting that they would not seek re-election.
City elections will be held May 7 and the filing period to be considered on the ballot opened Jan. 19 and runs through Feb. 18.
Bickerstaff was elected in 2013 and is serving his third term.
The mayor and councilmembers are elected at-large, meaning they represent the entire city and all registered voters may vote for all seven places.
Garland ISD trustee elections will also be happening in May. Place 1, held by Larry Glick, Place 2, held by Johnny Beach, and Place 3, held by Linda Griffin are all on the ballot. The filing deadline is Feb. 18, and all candidate information will be posted at garlandisd.net/about/board-trustees/board-elections.
Glick has been a trustee since 2007 and is serving his fifth term. Beach was first elected in 2013 and is serving his third term. Griffin has been a trustee since 1998 and is serving her eighth term.
Similar to Sachse, all GISD trustees are elected at-large.
Along with the two city council places, mayor and school board, Sachse residents will also vote two amendments to the Texas Constitution.
Proposition 1 authorizes the Texas Legislature to reduce limitations on the total amount of ad valorem taxes imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes for person who is elderly or disabled.
Proposition 2 increases the amount residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school purposes from $25,000 to $40,000.
Candidates seeking office can download packets on the Sachse website at cityofsachse.com/218/Voter-Election-Information.
The last day to register to vote for the May election will be April 7. Early voting will begin April 25 and ends May 3. Times and locations for early voting have yet to be determined but residents can cast their ballot at any location in the county in which they are registered to vote.
Collin County residents can check their status at collincountytx.gov/elections.
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