Sachse Fire-Rescue is hosting the second iteration of a popular class to a new set of residents interested in learning more about the department and hands-on learning about the life of a firefighter.
The first class for the second Citizen’s Fire Academy will be held 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, in the Public Safety Building, located at 3815 Sachse Road. Classes are taught in the classroom inside the building.
Fire Chief Martin Wade said this second course will incorporate some feedback from alumni of the first class.
“Many of the graduates from Class No. 1 have formed an alumni group, and they have provided a lot of insight into ways to make it better,” Wade said. More hands-on opportunities was a big one, so we plan to do that.”
To register for the class, individuals must be 18 years old or older. While residents of surrounding communities are welcome to sign up, said Wade, priority will be given to Sachse residents or city employees.
Wade said the class is also an opportunity for the department to interact with those it serves in a different manner than responding in an emergency situation.
“The most important aspect of this class is an opportunity to meet and connect with our community,” Wade said. “It is an education, not only about Sachse Fire-Rescue, but the fire service culture in general.”
For the full story, see the Sept. 1 issue of The Sachse News.