As state representatives and senators continue to file their bills ahead of the 88th Legislative Session, issues such as property taxes and the Texas economy have been earmarked for addressing.
State Representative Angie Chen Button, District 112, outlined three issues — property taxes, public education and ensuring the state’s economy is strong — as her focus for the upcoming session. Specifically, in regards to these issues, Chen Button said these are the three issues she hears about most from her constituents.
“The wonderful people of Sachse have expressed concerns with the rising cost of living and the challenges that they face,” Chen Button said. “I have also heard from Sachse residents who want to educate children in a safe and nurturing environment that prepares children for successful futures.”
To address issues with property taxes, Chen Button said she filed House Bill 796 that would create and maintain a publicly available Internet database of information regarding protest hearings conducted by the appraisal review board established for the district.
“Transparency in the appraisal process is important,” Chen Button said. “Knowledge is power and equipping homeowners with information can provide tools that can be helpful in making sure they are treated in a fair manner.”
Additionally, Growth in the state budget is limited by the growth in the state’s population and inflation rate, which effectively sets a spending cap for each biennial budget. According to estimates produced by State Comptroller Glenn Hegar in July, revenues may exceed $149 billion leaving a $15 billion to $20 billion surplus. The previous budget was around $119 billion for the 87th Legislative Session and could grow to $131 billion this cycle.
For the full story, see the Dec. 22 issue of The Sachse News.