The filing period for the Garland ISD May 3, 2025, trustee election officially opened Jan. 15.
This marked the beginning of the process for residents interested in running for one of three available seats up for election.
Place 1 is currently held by the board’s secretary, Larry H. Glick, Place 2 is held by Johnny Beach, the board’s vice president and Place 3 is held by Linda Griffith.
Trustees serve three-year terms and are elected at large, meaning they represent the entire district rather than specific geographic area within GISD.
Glick, a past president of the board, has served as a trustee since 2007.
Beach has been a coach and assistant principal in the GISD and was first elected to the board in 2016.
Griffith is a past president of the board and has served as a trustee since 1998.
The upcoming election gives voters the opportunity to choose representatives for all three places and the deadline to file is 5 p.m. Feb. 14.
As of Jan. 20, Glick and Beach have filed for re-election to places 1 and 2, respectively, and Stéphane Laurent Rovelo has filed for Place 1.
To qualify as a candidate, individuals must meet certain eligibility requirements, including being a U.S. citizen, being at least 18 years old by the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment and have no felony convictions.
Candidates must also be a registered voter within GISD, have resided in Texas for the past 12 months and lived within GISD’s geographic boundaries for at least 6 months preceding the election.
An election packet can be found on Garland ISD’s website and applications should be returned to Mechelle Hogan, Board Services manager, 501 S. Jupiter, Garland, 75042. Hogan’s email is [email protected] and she can be reached at 972.485.4936.
The last day to register to vote or update voter registration information for the May 3 election is Apr. 3.
Starting Jan. 1, voters could request absentee ballots if needed. Early voting will be held from April 22 to April 29.
The Sachse News will include information about each candidate in future editions and on as it becomes available.
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