By Greg Ford
Staff Writer
[email protected]
Dr. Bob Morrison announced his retirement and his resignation on Tuesday as the Garland ISD superintendent.
The GISD Board of Trustees is currently seeking an interim replacement for Dr. Morrison and a full-time superintendent as well.
The announcement was made at a Dec. 20 special board meeting, where members came out of executive session and accepted without discussion Dr Morrison’s resignation and retirement. He had been the GISD superintendent for around 3 1/2 years after being hired in 2013.
Immediately after the vote, Dr. Morrison and board President Linda Griffin read from a joint press release that praised the superintendent’s work, with Dr. Morrison returning the compliments.
“On behalf of the entire district, the Board of Trustees expresses its sincere appreciation to Dr. Morrison for his efforts while serving as superintendent of this great school district, and its wonderful students, parents and administrators, and for the many achievements and accomplishments of the entire district team during Dr. Morrison’s tenure as superintendent,” part of the release read.
Dr. Morrison responded, “I would like to thank the present and past Board of Trustees for providing me with the opportunity to serve in the Garland Independent School District. A school district is measured by its commitment to its children and their achievements. This district is indeed committed.”